derrick profiles
Life is a riddle only the wise know the answer to this riddle
Sunday, 9 October 2022
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Be who you are
Be who you are even if the world is against you
Don't be afraid
Rise up and don't be afraid to risk it all
Look into your eyes and say you can make it
Remember this world is unforgiving place
Walk with love
Fight for what you bealive in
Cause no one will bealive in you more than yourself
If you find a strangers love don't throw it away
Cause it only comes once in a life time
Remember be who you are even if the world turn against you
Saturday, 10 September 2022
The Innocent girl with closed eyes remember that today its no longer like that, she became rebelious because of you . the girl who is inside me has changed, she became mature and stronger. She was in your hands and she set herself free . the girl that was your toy , and from her weakness you got your power , she has changed towards you and its because of you. The obedient girl who surrendered,she managed to have a voice and she spoke. She was a toy but she've learnt how to play on you. There is no way to be better and there is no hope for you neither possible nor probable, because between me and you all doors are closed
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Personal world
Have you ever lost in a different world and everything you used to know its gone forever, and you have tried everything to bring at least the memories back.but in that process you find yourself powerless even in everything that exist, you are asking yourself if you will ever set yourself free, because deep down you can feel a sense of danger staring at you like you are a stranger, its like demons inside you are fighting to control your life. Its like you have become nobody and your life is going into reverse. Every thing you used to feel its now cold and gone, strangely even your family or people close to you are no longer there. You try so much to search for that happiness deep inside you but you can't find it, then you try to find happiness from people around you but they end up hurting you really bad
Monday, 17 August 2020
Friday, 29 May 2020
I'll re-live my life π’π’π’again starting tomorrow
I've erased the days I've lived lovingππyou
There is nothing left to even be a memory
My wounds were treated 100 times
I threw your love away
If I have anything that still remember you please take it with you as well
Don't apologize,there are no excuses that can make me forgive you
No need for your sorrow, no need for your tears
I have no respect for you anymore
So save me the trouble of taking you back
I don't want to get hurt again
To the one who took so much of my life
You have no influence on me anymore
Reconsider taking you back?? So unreasonable!!
Has anyone in such pain ever reconsidered such a decision?!
I have endured so much till the end now am done
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Trouble But Not Defeat,
Those branches and thorns a grind.
Why is so life so mean
It is as if no other scene.
Through life, you know, you will find
We sometimes just close our minds.
Those solutions we so desperately want
All appear like yesterdays many tyrants.
But, do not trouble or be dismayed
There are good days on the way.
When you look beyond the norm
You'll find you need not conform.
Be bold, be happy, be confident
You are not meant to lament.
These things so sure today
Can vanish without delay.
So when trouble comes your way
Do not accept defeat and ruin your day
Move forward with a focused view
Stay positive in all you do.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
My true love
You are my crown, πππmy diamond, πππmy jewel of inestimable value.
Your emergence into my life brought me sunshine on a cloudy day
You are as beautiful as the rising of the sunπ€π€π€
Your voice has the cooling effect of the moon on a starry night.
You are flexible, well-rounded at the appropriate quartersπππ
You are blossoming daily and emanating sweet fragrance to my nostrils
You are fun to be with though…
…sometimes you can be as hard as diamond,
As cold as snowballs
Yet you remain soft and sweet as honey
Your voice reminds me of the beautiful nightingale
Your faithfulness is like that of a lioness
You are the sweet song I composed in my dream
I woke up to see you snuggling close to me
This sight of you caused this song to burst forth…
You are irresistible, you are unique and you are just you
You are the sweetest of all creatures
You are made with decorative fixtures
You are bold, bright and beautiful…
My strong-willed, fearless and confident companion.
You are not careless, lazy or arrogant
Your qualities and potential intimidate many
But they mesmerize me…
You are virtuous, victorious and yet you have a heart always aglow with love for me
And humility for all…
Your calculated moves are always on target as they cause your dreams to be realized
And your goals are daily achieved.
You taught me to leave behind arrogance
You showed me how to live without annoyance
You helped me turn my scars
To beautiful radiant stars
You are incomparable my angel
My heart radiates with joy at the thought of you
My face exhibits beautiful smile at the sight of you
You are my one true friend…and the only woman for me.ππππππππ
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
just another day dedicated to love ones missed.
As I sit with an empty soul,
not sad,
not glad but pissed,
thinking back on happier times
when those who are gone hugged and kissed.
But they're gone and the world still turns.
I put up a bravado that I'm happy,
but really my heart yearns for those better days
trips to the beach and sun burns.
Family get-togethers
laughs and smile.
Food collecting on our plates in piles and piles.
But now all that piles up on my tears,
most out of heartache but some come from fears.
I could have hydrated an entire nation over the years.
Yet I mask them with smiles that are hollow
in hope that there will always be a better tomorrow.
But until then you will forever see is my bravado.
Sunday, 14 October 2018
broken hearted
my soul has burned out completely,
and turned out into cold harsh
my fragile heart has been sliced into many pieces
leaving a wound that cannot heal
memories are hard and painful to carry
because everytime my mind is switched to the past all I get is nothing
but tears that reflects the pain of yesterday
so tell me,,how can you do this to me
leaving me falling down in the abyss of no return,
do you have any pity on me?
do you have mercy to this weak and defenseless soul
you broke my heart many times and made me cry,,✌✌✌✌✌✌
Saturday, 13 October 2018
when we were discovering new things in life
when the world was still revolving around us
those days when there was no definition of love,friendship,hatred
everything was the same. But sadly those days are long gone
it has remained memories painted in our minds
now we are different people,living in the same world but a changed world
why did we have to part ways when we promise each other we would never separate
I am afraid of this world without you
you have disappeared though the world seemed so small
I have traveled in every corner of this world hoping that you are still alive
but my hope of finding the traces of you bore no fruits
where are you hiding?will you remember your old me,,am cold and lonely without you
this world is a stranger to me now
I don't trust anyone because I feel unsafe without your old me
I know that I shouldn't give up for you but wait for the right time that you will show up,,
where are you old me
Friday, 17 August 2018
Sometimes I just feel clueless about my life
As I walk upon the lonely Road,
wondering what it had been like,
For the travelers who traveled by,
Were the choices easy to make?
or they went through times of strife.
How did they ,
discovered the person within.
how did they,
knew the purpose of life.
the cold breeze blew ,
And..... brought me back to life.
Where I had the same choices,
Where I walk without an aim.
I was a stranger to the person within,
My purpose of life was a mystery to me,
And the world just doesn't walk with me .
I stop and stand ,
without a reason .....
trying to give, everything a meaning.
The path I've chosen leads nowhere
Its now or never, the choice is here.
A choice to be what I can,
A choice to discover my talents
Also a choice to finally , Take a stand..
But what if my stand is wrong?
What if my choice is wrong ?
Will I be given a second chance?
Or the life will push me back,
as it always has.
Just then , I saw a bird....
So free , so beautiful
Flying in the never ending sky,
She knew she was free to touch the sky.
Then I saw the ants ,
working harder and harder,
to reach the food,
They knew what they had to do.
At last I looked back.....
And all I saw was infinite failures,
Failure in discovering my true self,
Failure in discovering what am I good at.
I see the world going ahead..
Leaving me behind on this lonely road.
They are all so much better,
they all just seem to go further.....
While I just stay wherever I am ....
The lonely girl walks on the lonely road.
Taking herself wherever the road goes
Thursday, 19 July 2018
How can you ever feel alone, unloved and unworthy, knowing who you are? Unless you don’t remember who you are. Let me endeavor to remind you a little.
Souls are forever searching for ways to enrich themselves, to learn and to grow, in order for them to expand in consciousness and awareness, and to KNOW themselves. That is why we came here.
When we signed up to the Earth school, which happens to be the toughest school there is by the way, we agreed to forget our origins. We went behind the so-called ‘veil of forgetfulness’, and we took on, as a set of beliefs, a whole host of illusions. One of those being the Illusion of Separation. This illusion will have us believe that we are not part of the Whole – that we are separate from each other, and separate from the Source that sustains us and gives us Life.
Perhaps this Illusion is the biggest one because it is this illusion that enabled us to believe that we are all alone here on this planet and that we’ve been forsaken here unceremoniously in order to suffer. Many religions have taught that suffering is the way to salvation. This couldn’t be further from the truth. None of us have come here for salvation. Our salvation was never in doubt.
The world doesn’t need saving and neither do we.
What the world needs is Love, and the knowing that ALL IS LOVE. With this knowledge we begin to see ourselves as Love and all that is… IS LOVE.
When this happens you begin to truly grow and expand your consciousness. You will start to remember yourself AS LOVE and knowing this you cannot possibly continue old thought patterns and old belief patterns that have you thinking of yourself as BEING LESS THAN LOVE, therefore it becomes impossible to think of yourself as being unworthy, alone and unloved.
Do you think Jesus thought of himself as being unloved and unworthy?
There is a great teaching from the book “Conversations with God” that says if you ever are in doubt of anything or ever need an answer to anything, ask yourself “What would Love do now?” and then listen to the very first thing that comes to mind. I say ‘mind’ but let me tell you that you will hear this guidance not in your mind, but in your heart.
The heart is the center of the New Reality that is available to you now. Through your Heart you WILL KNOW YOURSELF, and you will know that you have always been worthy. And you will know that you have always been loved, no matter what. You will know that your salvation is assured, and you will know that YOU ARE GLORIOUS!!
Let me list here what the word ‘GLORIOUS’ brings up in the thesaurus:
Do you believe you are these things?
What would serve you best right now? Believing you are the opposite of Love? Or believing you are Love?
Love is All There IS Beloveds. That being said….. all else is Myth.
I love YOU!
Saturday, 5 May 2018
what if
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
understanding my value
What is the difference between taking a chance and being foolish? When does the former become the latter? Should I listen to my heart? My gut? My head? What is each one telling me? How do I know which one is the right one to listen to?
I fear consequences.
On the one hand, I just want to adopt a ‘not giving a fuck’ attitude. If I pretended for a minute that there would be no negative consequences of taking the chance, then I’d take it. Or even if there were negative consequences, that they would not be insurmountable. There would always be a way back. Then I’d take the risk then too.
What will happen if I do this and fail?
What will happen if I do this and succeed?
What will happen if I don’t do this and continue to fail?
What will happen if I don’t do this and succeed?
But when I keep getting things wrong over and over again, how do I trust myself to make the right decision. I don’t want to make a stupid judgement and take a gamble. But I also want to know. I want to know what taking the gamble will be like. Could I live with it if it’s a disaster? Could I? Would I be ashamed? Embarrassed? Or would I just be relieved that now I just know and I can move on.
I just don’t trust myself.
I was sure that the most recent big decision I made was going to be the right one. It felt right. It felt natural. And yet, here I am. Two months down the line and it is already proving to be a mistake.
I am my decisions. I am the chances I take and the consequences of my actions. I feel like I need someone to tell me what to do. To show me the way. Tell me what I have been doing wrong. Enlighten me. Give me some kind of penny-dropping light bulb moment. But I don’t have anybody who can do that.
I can’t keep ending up in the same state after every time I take a punt on something.
I guess I need to look at it this way. With the aforementioned recent decision that has backfired, I need to ask myself the question: Am I still glad I took the chance?
If I am really honest with myself then the answer is yes. And the reason for that is because even though I am arguably in a worse position now than I was before I took that risk, at least I can now close the door on that particular avenue of thought. It was something that I first started thinking about 10 years ago and now I finally have an answer for it. It was not what I had hoped for and not what I thought it would be like.
Interestingly, the decision that stands before me now also first appeared roughly 10 years ago. Perhaps that’s the lesson here. If something sits in the back of your mind for such a long time and it doesn’t materialise then there’s a reason for that – it’s not for you.
On the flip side, isn’t it a bit defeatist and not necessarily logical or wise to be put off just because one 10-year question did not turn out to be the answer I was looking for?
These are the questions and conundrums and dilemmas that I battle with constantly in my head. All the time. And let me tell you something. It is exhausting. And it ends in paralysis. Paralysed by fear and indecision, I do nothing. And when I do finally manage to make a decision about something, I am not rewarded.
So what is the lesson here? Is accepted stagnation worse than trying and failing? Is it?
Take the chance and if I’m left disappointed, face the consequences and console myself with ‘at least now I know’ platitudes?
Or be sensible, grit my teeth, try to scrounge myself out of the current mire and hope I can improve things
Don't fall in love when you are not ready
this world is so strange and confusing my fellow youths.i mean this world is filled with both beautiful and strange things that we ourselves...
When you lose that one you love, something inside snaps and it hurts so, so much, you feel emptiness surround you and you don't know wh...
dont look at me you scaring me ...